barriers to change

I have been talking to a number of people over the last few days about all sorts of things and have been quite struck by the number and variety of barriers that come up to prevent progress.

This got me thinking. How can a Personal Trainer in Northampton help? Most people understand that it makes sense to get fitter. Most people know what they need to do. Most people do nothing. Many people are getting sicker (or at least less healthy). They know they are. And yet they do nothing about it.

And this is where your Personal Trainer comes in. Your Personal Trainer should not simply be setting and encouraging you through exercises and eating advice, it’s about so much more than that. Your Personal Trainer is really your Coach. He or she will work with you to help you overcome all sorts of barriers. There are loads of ways to do this, and one of my favourites is using the technique of the Mind Map

Radiating from the centre I encourage you to list all the barriers you can think of that prevent you from doing what you know you should be doing – you will probably end up with 8 to 10 in all. From each of these barriers, think about as many ways (and be as inventive as you can) as you can that would mean the barrier could be overcome. Now that you have huge list of options with which to knock down these barriers, then the barriers should simply start to crumble away. Excuses may remain, but true barriers will be gone, and excuses have no place in a determined mind.

So, when you are thinking “I really don’t have [time/money/anything else] for keeping/getting fit”, think again. Get out a pen and paper and destroy those barriers. Your brain will get a workout at the very least

So, reach out now to contact us here so we can help you in this journey, even if only through the initial, complimentary, consultation