Does it get any easier?

A couple of my bootcampers were chatting last night, it was just the second session with Queens Park fitness for one of them. Anyway, midway through the session, Jackie turned to the Rachel, with a smile on her face and asked “When does this get any easier?”

Rachel replied “Oh, yeah, once you get into it, it does get easier, you know. The more you’ve worked and the longer you’ve been here, the harder you’ve been working, it does yeah.” She continued “I’m not sure if it ever gets physically easier, but it gets mentally easier for sure”.

So, after a bit of a discussion, we kind of agreed between the three of us that as we get fitter, through coming to bootcamp more often and more regularly, we find that it’s easier to our recover more quickly, and we find that we start to feel better, more lively, stronger, slimmer. And actually, with those sorts of things, they are what makes it that much easier to say “you know, I’m gonna get off the sofa and go to boot camp”.

So in terms of it getting easier:

  • Turning up is easier.
  • Recovery is quicker
  • Moving around the park becomes easier.

A lot of people maybe have never, for instance, run, or haven’t run for a while. And therefore, just the process of getting from one place to another in the park starts off quite difficult, although is quickly gets easier.

That having been said, the stronger and fitter we become and the better we feel about ourselves, we get more and more pleasure from feeling the benefits of coming to bootcamp. These feelings are further increased by us putting more effort in. It becomes easier to put the effort in when you can see the results.

Thus, in answer to the question “Does it get any easier?” the more I come, motivation certainly gets easier. But, physically does it get easier? Probably not! This is because you’ll end up pushing yourself harder to get better results as a direct result of just that.

Yes, it gets easier to turn up, it gets easier to recover in the session.

Yet in some ways it gets harder because you will want to push yourself harder because you know you can.

“Does it get any easier?” Yes, it does. And no it doesn’t. But the benefits keep on coming.