So many people will say that they don’t have time to do any exercise. But why is this? How long do we need? An hour? What about preparation and cool down, shower time? It soon mounts up!
Yes, guidelines state that we should get, let’s say, 30 minutes of vigorous exercise every other day, or 45 minutes of more gentle exercise 5 times a week. Well, if I can’t make what the guidelines say? I’ll not bother!
No – stuff the guidelines – If you can squeeze 2, 3 or even 5 minutes in, somewhere in your day, do it. Don’t wait until you have the full amount of time available, you never will have it. Start anyway, a couple of minutes will do you far more good than none. Chances are, you’ll do more anyway, and you’ll be up and running without noticing!
You needn’t ask “How long should I exercise for?”, just ask yourself if you have 2 minutes in the day – and fill that instead!