It’s Monday morning and I have just sat down to write my daily blog and post it up to my website. As I started I just wanted to check my e-mails and facebook, but
No internet!
This does not feel at all comfortable
Now I feel really quite alone and vulnerable, it feels as if a support has been removed. Without the internet we are really screwed, aren’t we? We all rely on it in some way or another. Even if we don’t use it on a personal level (and there are many people out there who don’t), it drives pretty much everything for us now – power, transport, communication, distribution, paying bills – people and businesses of all types cannot do without it, rely in its support
To a certain, and probably greater, extent than we’d like to think, modern civilisation would soon suffer badly if the internet were to collapse. I think we would seriously struggle to survive for more than a few weeks at most
And so it is with our bodies and our fitness. The human body is an incredibly complex machine (like the internet) where so many parts are interlinked and rely on one another that it is simply mind-boggling. The machine that is the human body needs looking after, needs maintaining and servicing, even updating (cell replacement is going on all the time). It needs support. It needs its fitness to be challenged and bettered. Unless that takes place, it gets run down, starts breaking down more often, and eventually stops altogether.
But let’s not be gloomy as, unlike the internet being unavailable, we can all do something about our bodies. We can work with them to improve levels of fitness and wellbeing. By taking regular exercise, and eating healthily, we can reduce the risk of “breakdowns”, keep our bodies strong and better prepared for the challenges of life
And hiring a Personal Trainer or Coach could be just the way to support you in that improvement, helping you to become a stronger, more resilient, person, able to cope with all that life throws at you without concern
And that would be fantastic, wouldn’t it?
(and thank goodness, my internet connection has returned)