Overcoming barriers

A few years ago I was working out in my local gym when a friend (everyone knows who this is) came up to me and whispered in my ear……..

What she said was “I reckon there’s a marathon in you!”

I nearly fell off the bench I was sitting at!!

A marathon!

No way, no way, no way

All I needed was a reason not to, and hey presto – issue gone

So I went searching for a reason – and here’s a selection of them:

“I don’t have the time” – I’m self employed so if I can’t find time then who can?

“I’m injured” – Nope, I’m fit and well – and anyway you see people with only one leg running a marathon

“I cannot afford it” – come on, £35 is all it takes for some of them

“I’m not a runner” – who is until they start?

“I’m too old” – get a grip!

“I don’t fancy it” – well that’s just too lame

And so it went on, and the more and more it did the more and more I realised that it was inevitable that I would be running one

There was no escape

Now I simply needed to book one and go for it:

Florence is a nice place…

So I booked it…

Trained for it…

Smashed it (well by my standards I did and they are the ones that matter to me)…

And why am I telling you this?

Well, it’s quite simple really

When you are faced with a challenge that looks too scary, too hard, it rarely is

Chip away at it bit by bit and all of a sudden it’s not too hard, it becomes achievable, it becomes something to look forward to getting stuck into

And boy does it feel great when you get through it

And you get hungry for more

Don’t get me wrong, it’s sometimes tough

But easy isn’t satisfying…..is it?