tempus fugit

Indeed, especially when you are stimulated and fully engrossed in something. It’s also extremely pleasurable looking back and realising that you were so happily immersed in it that you didn’t even notice the time.

Then again, no other creature on earth has “time”. All they have is “NOW”. We have created time to manage our days – our work days really – and measure ourselves against it. We talk of time well spent, of wasted time. Our lives have become ruled by it and, like it or not, we are obsessed with it.

Taking ourselves away from this, living in the “now”, immersing ourselves in a pleasurable experience when time really doesn’t matter is so refreshing for our body and soul. You know that feeling when you were “miles away”, isn’t that just the best, just totally relaxing.

Removing ourselves from the constraints of time is deeply relaxing. Some run, some do yoga, others simply read. All get a deep sense of relaxation and relief, and feel so much better for it.

And, when time flies, we don’t even notice it!

How does time fly for you?