This is a question I get asked quite often when people are looking to join my Bootcamp.
And I guess, if you’re not used to what happens it’s actually a really valid question – what does happen when it rains? I mean, a lot of people don’t particularly relish the idea of getting soaking wet.
But I’ll tell you what – bootcamp will continue in the rain. It will continue in the snow, in the sleet, in the fog, at night. The only reason I’ve ever cancelled a bootcamp session was in the summer of 2022 during the heatwave, when medical advice was given that the temperatures being experienced in the UK could constitute a danger to life. It was over 40 degrees and it would have been madness to carry on exercising outside. That’s the only time I’ve ever known a boot camp to be cancelled.
All other weathers are just part of what happens! In fact, some of the best sessions can actually take place in the worst of conditions. There’s a certain pleasure in pushing through and coming out the other end of a cold, snowy, sleety session. There’s an enormous sense of satisfaction, and when you hit that warm bath after a cold workout, boy do you feel good!
So in answer to the question ‘What happens when it rains’ or snows, or sleets, or is windy, (in which case we keep away from trees and potentially falling btwigs and branches and generally work out in the middle of the park), bootcamp will continue.
All you need to ensure is that you have the appropriate clothing with you. Maybe a hat, maybe a jacket, maybe some gloves.
And hey, in the end, skin’s waterproof – and you’ll be fine.
Embrace the challenge of the great outdoors. That’s what I’d say. Embrace that challenge.