What if I have a disability?

If you are considering taking up exercise, and specifically joining a bootcamp, then you are best placed to decide if you think it is something you can manage.

As a professional instructor, I would urge you to consult with your Doctor before coming along to make sure he or she is comfortable that you take up exercise, specifically outdoor bootcamp, as it has its own challenges (especially of terrain and accessibility). Before joinuing, your instructor will also take you through a questionnaire to ensure you are ready to start exercising, and what is asked will surface any needs you may have. A full health and safety briefing should also take place, and any risks specific to your situation will be highlighted.

Your instructor, if suitably qualified to take on clients with different medical needs, will then ensure that the activities undertaken in the bootcamp sessions are adjusted to take into account your and, indeed everyone’s individual capabilities. Disabled or not, individuals will need activities tailored to their abilities, and your instructor will be able to deal with this.

There may be certain exercises or movements that simply won’t work for you, and your professional trainer will provide alternative activities. Further, it should be the case that the sessions you take part in cover areas of the Park (or field etc) that are accessible to you.

Ultimately, this is a working partnership between you, the instructor and the other participants and, well-managed, should provide for a life-enhancing experience of all concerned.