Will I enjoy Bootcamp?

OK, so it’s a short question.

It gets straight to the point.

And it’s one I hear more often than you might imagine.

It’s one that comes along at the same time as questions such as “What sort of exercises do you do at Bootcamp?” or “What do you do in the winter?”

And really, the best answer to such a question is – Give it a go, find out for yourself. I really cannot answer whether you will or won’t like something. You may say that the rain and mud doesn’t bother you. But the truth may be different.

If you are someone who likes being outside, chances are you will like it. And on the whole it’s dry. It doesn’t actually rain that much. And you know what, there’s a curious sense of satisfaction in getting through a wet session. We get a buzz from it and anyway, we all have a hot shower after a workout so who cares if we get wet and muddy in the winter, or hot and sweaty under the summer sun?

It’s hard to beat a winter workout, in the evening, when so many people are crashed out watching TV. You’ll feel so good getting home, showering, and then relaxing in the knowledge that you’ve done something good for your body and mind.

And on that note, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by just how much you’ll like bootcamp.

So, what are you waiting for? Find a group, sign up for a trial, and go for it.

It might just be the best thing you’ve done for yourself all year!