There are so many owners of small and medium sized businesses here in the UK, here in Northampton. I’m one as well, and I love it.
As business owners we spend considerable time, effort, and often money ensuring we keep our business on track to make us a profit. We wouldn’t be in business otherwise, would we?
We plan our business year and beyond in many cases. We devise schemes and campaigns to keep our offering fresh and inviting. We research our customers and competitors, ensuring we are one step ahead of the competition.
We don’t stop evolving our business to keep it fit and healthy.
But often we are so totally focussed on getting and keeping the business where it needs to be that we neglect the very reason we are really in business – and that is to have a great life on our terms. To enjoy ourselves, to be with others, to have the fantastic holidays, to drive the car of our dreams, to spend time the family we love so much.
We may not realise it but we are neglecting our most precious asset, ourselves. Without this asset there would be no business, no family, no anything.
When I talk with people about this I hear the same thing time and again – “I’m too busy”, “I don’t have the time”, “How can I possibly fit that into my day?”
And you know what, you all know you should be doing something about it. You all know what that is. You don’t need me to tell you. You know it makes perfect sense.
But hardly anyone actually does something about it
Apart from the winners
The winners will find the time. The winners will make the effort. Consistently.
If your business is having a tough time, all of you can find the time to fix it. The time is there. For you and your business to thrive, be the winner, find the time to look after yourself.
I can help you find that time, and use that time to get you “Fit for Business”, so get in touch, book your free consultation, and start becoming that fitter and healthier winner – today